Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have time to do the Summer Body Meal Plan?

Definitely. Most meals take roughly 30 minutes to prepare. It’s best to cook and prepare your meals the night before, so it’s easy to grab if you rushing. We try to give you options and incorporate leftovers whenever possible.

When will I notice results?

According to our experiences, you may begin to see results in 4 days! You may have an energy boost, less bloating, better bowel movement and the rest of the great results will keep grooving in!

How strict is this meal plan?

This package was designed to start you on a great track and help you stay on a great track. Sooo... If you want faster results stick to it! As the instructions and recipes suggest, add some healthy variety to your meals and snacks. We don’t want you to feel bored or super restricted, whether you make immediate or gradual changes, this package is meant to bring brighter, healthier habits into your life!

Can I have too much veggies?

Depends on what types: NO—to vibrant colours (e.g. leafy greens); YES—to starchy, root veggies (e.g. potatoes).

What if I work long hours?

We understand and sometimes it’s not easy. That’s why we focus on preparing your meals beforehand. Freeze them if you have to, keep water and the snacks in the meal plan handy to curb cravings and keep your energy up throughout the day.

How will I feel?

That depends on a lot of factors. You could feel refreshed and lighter straight from the beginning. Making new healthier changes may be hard, even moody and frustrating at first, don’t quit, keep at it and remember your Summer Body goals! Exercise and being active really helps.

Curb cravings and overeating by: drinking a glass of water 15 minutes before meals, taking your time to chew and enjoy your meals and eating your snacks or a fruit. To satisfy a real sweet tooth craving savour a small square (usually 1oz. or 30g) of dark chocolate, but hey, don’t go crazy, remember your Summer Body goals. Hahaha!

Is it expensive to eat healthy?

At first it may seem so because you may have to make a lot of changes. However on a regular basis, it is cheaper to eat cleaner, healthier and cook at home rather than buy junk food and take out all the time. Also, if you invest in organic foods, it can cost more. 

Is this Summer Body package a Meal Plan and Exercise plan too?

This package doesn't come with a specific exercise plan, however we provide some exercise tips and suggest you couple diet and exercise together to get you Summer ready!

What is the format?

What you are purchasing is a service. It will come in the form of an PDF. When you purchase this Summer Body Meal Plan Package, we give you permission to access, download and print it only.

Is it a one-time payment?

Yes! This Summer Body Meal Plan is just one of our many services. One payment gives you a meal plan, recipes, diet tips, grocery list, beginners and advanced lifestyle recommendations, supplement recommendations, keys for success, places to shop and other resources!  

Is this Meal Plan Package Vegetarian?

No. However, by making swaps like substituting a plant-based protein into the recipes requiring meat you will find that the guidelines can cater to you, especially if you are newly venturing in to the plant-based lifestyles. You will see that almost all of the recipes are made with a significant amount of fruit, nuts and seeds and vegetables and sometimes no meat at all.

Is it safe to pay by credit card?

Absolutely. Credit card payments are totally secure, made by our payment processors ‘Stripe’ and Paypal through encrypted communication (https) and independently certified by, as registrar.

Is my personal information safe and secure?

Yes, your personal data is secure and private. We never share your data with anyone else, and we never use your data for purposes other than providing you with the service that you chose.

Are you compensated by the companies in this package?

No, we don’t receive compensation for suggesting resources and references. We make our recommendations based off of our experiences, client testimonials, etc. If we love something, we share the whole-hearted goodness too!

Also, if you’d like us to try and review your product(s), contact us.

Can I refund this product?

All purchases are non-refundable.


Drawing upon our academics, training, skills and experiences, we lovingly support our clients. That being said, we are not medical doctors and therefore make no medical claims, dispense prescriptions or medical advice.